I suppose the question now is what do I do next? I have done the biggest scariest thing that was holding me back from doing anything about transitioning: I have told my wife that I am trans and that I wish to transition. What do I do now though? She was devastated by the news so I didn’t push any further at the time and now things have settled down but it feels like raising the subject again or taking any next step is reopening the wound and hurting her again. It feels like any little thing is going to be just as bad as the original coming out for her. Is that how it is going to be? Will every single step be so painful that either I am afraid to take it and go nowhere, or she eventually breaks and that is the end of us? I have done the big coming out conversation but that hasn’t unlocked anything. But I need to unlock it because I need to progress to transition. I’m sitting outside in the sun with a coffee and I wish I was doing so wearing a dress. ...
I’m just a boy who dreams of being a girl. These are my musings about that journey as I try to work out exactly what that means.