Really disappointing to wake up with what feels like a hangover when I didn’t even drink last night. It’s been such a hectic week at work that I haven’t found time to write this and have barely had any chance to think about anything, least of all gender and coming out. Last weekend, my plan was to talk with my wife this Saturday. I am not prepared and don’t yet know if I will. I haven’t yet said anything but I have reshaved my legs and body hair which feels nice and am wearing knickers, tights and a crop top under my clothes. Four anti-trans articles in the Saturday paper today. Sigh. Oh no, ripped my tights pulling them up after going to the loo. These cheap tights are absolutely rubbish. So now I have gone to bed and I have not spoken to my wife about my being trans. I suppose that means I have failed but it is pretty negative to talk in those terms. I can make excuses that I wasn’t feeling well this morning so I wasn’t up to a difficu...
I’m just a boy who dreams of being a girl. These are my musings about that journey as I try to work out exactly what that means.