Do you know, I almost added a "?" to the title but that isn't appropriate. Such is the state of where my head is at right now, I feel ready, no question mark.
This feeling has come upon me suddenly after literally years of procrastinating, and to be honest has slightly taken me by surprise, although in a good way.
To feel certainty, and real certainty, without any of those nagging doubts, I've got to tell you, it feels amazing!
I don't even know where it has come from, because nothing tangible has changed in my life.
I did go out presenting female in public last week and that certainly made a difference. It showed me that I can totally do this, it can be fine and I will cope. Having done that though, there's this part of me that wants to jump straight to living that life always, and I am wanting to listen to that part of me more and more.
The other thing I have changed is the type of content I have been consuming. I had spent a long time seeking out answers for my situation: the “am I trans enough” question; feelings of wanting to progress but feeling stuck and so on. This was just reinforcing my own fears. More recently I have consciously sought out content from those who have transitioned and who are living happily. I find that by focusing more on the destination and worrying less about the journey and obstacles along the way, I am able to see transitioning in a positive light. What is more though, is that I see YouTube videos of trans women talking about their experiences before and during transition and I relate to so much of what they are saying. They’re not just giving me a vision of a happy outcome, it’s also very much affirming my own feelings of being transgender.
Whatever the reason, I now feel certain of my female gender, certain that I need to transition and suddenly impatient to get started!
I’m planning out my transition; starting hormones, when I want to go full time, when I could be eligible for surgery…it all suddenly feels within reach.
There is just the small matter of coming out to my wife and then I can get started. If anyone has any great advice on how to do this, I am all ears! Please leave a comment or DM my Twitter with your tips.
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