I wrote earlier this week about ordering my first pair of ladies shoes and how I found this surprisingly difficult to bring myself to do because they represent the possibility of going into the world fully dressed as a woman and not having any shoes is an excuse not to. A dreadfully feeble excuse, but my cowardice doesn’t need much to cling on to! Anyway, I ordered them and today I collected the parcel, which I opened excitedly to try them on, only to discover that the store had shipped UK7/EU40 rather than the size UK11/EU45 as ordered (which I did check!). Thwarted. Four sizes too small is a lot and there is no way they were going to fit. Hence, having owned my first pair of ladies shoes for four hours, I was at the shop returning them. This is hardly a gripping story, so why am I wasting your time writing this? Because of how I felt. Getting to placing the order had taken me a while but when they arrived I was excited. I wanted to put them on and I...
I’m just a boy who dreams of being a girl. These are my musings about that journey as I try to work out exactly what that means.