I made the mistake of spending a bit of time reading Twitter today and that has got me down. It started innocently enough, I was feeling positive about moving forward with my transition and I read something positive from someone who had, and that was nice. However, the majority of the content isn't that. Most of it is people who are depressed, or who are facing discrimination, or getting involved in debate with those that seem implacably opposed to trans rights. There's a seemingly endless stream of legislation banning treatment in different parts of the US, I didn't even know they had that many legislatures to be passing these laws. Then there is just the out-and-out hate speech.
It's a scary world out there and it's enough to make a trans girl want to hide in her closet.
One post that particularly struck my was about the regional gender identity clinic. When my doctor refused to support any private treatment, they did offer to refer me to this particular GIC. I know it is notorious for its waiting list, but there was a thread from someone who tried for years to get a referral, eventually got one in 2016 but now seven years later, still hasn't had her first appointment. I haven't even got to referral yet, so would be sometime into the 2030s.
This is most discouraging.
Despite my doctor refusing to work with them, clearly the private clinic route is the only way of doing this. That doesn't work without a primary care provider though, so I need to do some research and find a new, and reasonably local, doctors' practice that is willing to help.
And limit my browsing of depressing social media.
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