This is a question I ask myself all the time. And having spent some time reading posts from the trans community on Twitter it is clear that I am not alone in wondering this. In fact, someone tweeted that their therapist had quipped that it is such a common question among trans people that it is practically a symptom of transness. So why do we all keep wondering this? It is partly Imposter Syndrome for sure, doubting whether I am qualified to be part of the trans community. Others have said similar, so that seems to be a common feeling too. The usual response from the community to someone questioning whether they are trans enough is to say that if you ask the question then you are, and it’s not for anyone else to say how trans you need to be. I don’t think that quite nails it though. They’re right in so far that if you’re asking the question then you are certainly somewhere on the trans spectrum, but that doesn’t deal with the “enough” part....
I’m just a boy who dreams of being a girl. These are my musings about that journey as I try to work out exactly what that means.