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Showing posts from April, 2022

Suppose I filled out the application for HRT…?

 If you’ve been reading my ramblings for a while you’ll know that I think a lot but haven’t moved forward. Due mainly to cowardice if we’re honest.  So this is a story of not doing something positive, but it is about preparing to do something. Which is maybe a tiny bit of progress?  I’m in the UK where public healthcare is pretty much hopeless for trans people and waiting lists for what services do exist are so long that it’s a deterrent to even trying. Plus it operates on a gatekeeper model so is set up to make you unhappy from the get go. There is however a private clinic that works on an informed consent basis ie if you know what you need and you pay your money, you can get treatment. I first discovered this place online last year. Although I haven’t done anything with this information, I sort of know that one day I will. From the moment I found them I knew. Not that I had even accepted that I could transition at that point, but nevertheless I felt that there was an in...